
An angularjs directive wrapper for Twitter Bootstrap's typeahead plugin

View the Project on GitHub igreulich/igTypeahead

Angular Typeahead

This is my Typeahead directive. It simply wrap Twitter Bootstrap's Typeahead js plugin in a directive so your Angularjs app will 'see' your selection.


You need to include the igTypeahead.js before your app, but after angular.

This directive creates a new html element (!) called typeahead. In your markup you put <typeahead></typeahead>, and anguar with replace it with an <input /> when rendering.

Bare minimum, <typeahead> needs a choice, and list attribute, where the value of choice is the model the selected choice is to be stored, and list is either an array of strings, or a function that returns an array of strings.

For example…

// Load the directive
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="igTypeahead.js"></script>
<script src="ngApp.js"></script>

// In your controller
// Include the module in your app
var ngMyApp = angular.module('myApp', ['igTypahead']);

// Model for your selected item

// List of choices
$scope.states = ['Alabama','California','Deleware'];

// In your markup
<typeahead choice="selection" list="states"></typeahead>

You can add any other attributes to <typeahead>, such as placeholder or autocomplete, and they will just get passed along to the <input /> that Angular creates while rendering/bootstrapping.
